Housing Disrepair covering England and Wales

Claims Advice

Welcome to our Housing Disrepair Claim Advice page. You have the right to live in a safe and well-maintained environment. If you’re a tenant facing issues with the condition of your rented property then take action. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you understand the process of making a housing disrepair claim:

1. Know Your Rights

Familiarise yourself with your rights as a tenant. According to the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, landlords have a legal obligation to keep their properties in repair. Section 11(1) specifically outlines their responsibility for maintaining the property in proper working order.

Landlord and Tenant Rights And Responsibilities

2. Document the Disrepair

Keep detailed records of the disrepair issues you’re facing. This includes taking photographs, making a written log of communication with your landlord, and documenting any adverse effects on your daily life.

Tips for documenting disrepair

3. Notify Your Landlord

Inform your landlord about the disrepair issues promptly. Use written communication, such as email or a formal letter, detailing the problems and requesting necessary repairs. Ensure you keep copies of all communications.

Sample letter to notify your landlord

4. Seek Legal Advice

If your landlord fails to respond or take action, seek legal advice. Our specialist team of Housing Disrepair Solicitors can help you make a claim for repairs and compensation.  

Contact us Today for Free Legal Advice

5. Government and Charity Resources

Explore resources provided by the UK government and reputable charities to better understand your rights and find additional support:

Landlord and Tenant Rights And Responsibilities

Housing advice from Shelter – Shelter England

Remember, you have the right to live in a property that is safe and free from disrepair. If you’re experiencing issues, take action today to ensure your living conditions are improved.

For personalised assistance speak to our specialist Housing Disrepair solicitors, contact us today. Our team is here to help you navigate the process and secure the living conditions you deserve.